Uphold Basic Human Rights!

Earth Change

The various institutions that have brought civilization to this point in time in the Twenty First Century are corrupt to a greater or lesser extent. Corruption means no pure path to God exists. By God we mean “That which we value the most for the common good,” or Spirit, or God.  We at Loquate use the terms interchangeably.

So what would be a “pure” path?

  1. Accept one another as equal.
  2. Accept suffering as inevitable.
  3. Accept atonement. By atonement is meant our part in the corruption must be paid in ransom for forgiveness by God Who is Almighty.  For atonement is universal to the path of wellbeing and mental health. Domain Theory assimilates our personal culture in alignment with God through Smart® Natural Law. Smart® habits acknowledge assimilation has begun. For no person is able to be God. Yet the false path to God raises one to God.  That is usurpation.

Ever since Adam and Eve sin has dominated our personal culture. No more.

A path is clear.  The path of atonement.

Once Society accepts atonement, God will blight non-atonement, also called ego worship.

Three things are needed:

  1. An international police force.
  2. Acceptance of Basic Human Rights to attain satisfaction of innate needs.
  3. Lobbying.

At Loquate we create a Spirit-centered community that permits us to explore our own spiritual growth through relevant resolution stories, never advice. This permits real world experience to be shared safely. For if you cannot be safe you cannot grow.

Misalignment is thwarted in Loquate’s structure and personal growth is enhanced through wellbeing.

Smart® habits once learned permit positivity in all circumstances but like a battery that gets worn down recharging is essential through committed attendance 9x per year for 2 hours in your free Smart® group once the initial fee of not more than $200 is paid.




Taken together our research of video testimonials, podcasts and educational resources taking your domain from theory to practical wellbeing is endless. They demonstrate the positive impact of Loquate on individuals and communities in one Podcast and one reference sheet.



Loquate seeks to fulfill Black Elk’s Vision. Our Smart® group feedback scores of 98% A+ demonstrate tangible improvements in well-being, relationships, and personal fulfillment.

Touching the core of one’s being like a health spa is not only refreshing but rejuvenating. Participation in Loquate, as a way for individuals to contribute to a larger cause of increasing peace on earth and promoting kindness and well-being, is the wellspring of abundance seen everywhere on the earth’s crust and its waters in a natural, balanced way. Humans alone have spiritual free will. Science proves there can be but one outcome: ardor of heart, deep experiential love for all on earth, or self destructive ego worship.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Non-cooperation, non-violence is a peaceful means to accelerate the process of awareness and change.

Scientifically Proven existence of the innate needs of human kind may be the greatest discovery in natural law in this century. Smart® habits satisfy innate needs. Loquate Primary Values uphold basic human rights. And the greatest happiness or joy occurs in communities that Uphold Basic Human Rights for everyone! 

Innate Needs as defined by Deci and Ryan Loquate Primary Values Satisfy Innate Needs and Uphold Basic Human Rights for Everyone. Explanation – Symptom of Violation
1. Relatedness 1. The right to do that which is truly in the best interests of others. 1. Feeling that I am part of something that injures or harms others.
2. Competence 2. The right to attain goals or other ends not necessarily preconceived as goals but which become goals once experienced. 2. Feeling unable to finish something I have started or want to do because others prevent me or interfere or take over.
3. Autonomy 3. The right to operate in an area of meaningful expansion for yourself. 3. Feeling bored about my work. Feeling I am wasting my time. When I die I don’t want to say “That which I should have done, I did not do.”
4. The right to act non cooperatively, non violently according to my personal-moral or religious beliefs. 4. Feeling like my personal-moral or religious beliefs are not accepted. Feeling like I am kept from living my personal – moral or religious beliefs.


There is a great opportunity for unity in community.

We have all experienced the divisiveness in our culture today. The warning bells have sounded. Something must be done to bring us back to Community. People are much more complex in person than online and we have so much to learn from each other. Making a simple statement that you seek to Uphold Basic Human Rights is a solution.

You do this when you Log in. Logging in is a form of prayer for peace on earth. When you log in, get a link to print a wallet sized card for unity in community to apply the primary values in good times and in adversity.

Log in

This declares your intention. May our Spirit-centered community build peace on earth in “unity for all.”

Loquate Laity Affected by Your Vote

You can affect politicians by being involved, staying with them, and getting them to uphold basic human rights for all mankind.  Loquate is a charity for peace on earth.

Nonprofits and Lobbying: Yes, They Can!

According to both the American Bar Association  and Stanford Social Innovation Review

A best practice that all successful high-impact nonprofits share: the combination of providing services in their communities and engaging in policy advocacy, including lobbying, at the local, state, or federal level. Who, after all, knows the problems of their communities more intimately and is in the best position to suggest practical solutions than the nonprofit organizations that work in those communities every day?

After logging in, consider joining Loquate Laity Affected by Your Vote (“Loquate Laity”). Loquate Laity lobbies to Uphold Basic Human Rights through Loquate (6436 N Oketo Ave, Chicago, IL 60631, United States jeff@loquate.tv 773-621-0863). Make your vote count! Join Loquate Laity!

Our Lobbyist transparency goal is this. When lobbying for Loquate Laity, no other topics will be discussed. Subject to funding, our Lobbyist will inform your Legislator of Loquate Laity. Loquate will maintain the Loquate Laity list and will share the names of Legislators who join Loquate Laity.

You can join Loquate Laity with or without donating. But by donating you support our lobby effort to reach your Legislators in your district so they can support you, and you can support them.  Together Uphold Basic Human Rights in unity for all!

Grow the Loquate Laity Legislator list in your district. Get your community to enroll in Loquate Laity. Get similar communities to enroll in Loquate Laity from district to district. The Loquate Laity lobbying effort rolls out district by district.

All who join Laity will receive a 28 page digital ebook called Little Manitou coloring book. According to DNR parks and recreation “This artwork is fantastic.” Children love to color in harmony with nature. Laity become like little children to satisfy all of their innate needs.