Loquate.tv Podcast Episodes

A Note to the Reader – R143-ab

Published: December 22nd, 2023
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Belonging | Fr. James Wallace

Published: January 25th, 2022
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Challenged by the Word, nurtured by the Sacraments, and enlivened by the Spirit, we serve our brothers and sisters in peace, justice and dignity. All are welcome on this journey.

Holy Nothingness | Fr. James Wallace

Published: November 16th, 2021
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Rev. James Wallace, Pastor of St. Paul of the Cross Parish in Park Ridge IL., published this succinct Podcast on 11-14-21. The Bible readings frame, and the homily captures, holy nothingness. The path to “holy nothingness” could be, must be, adopted by any person contemplating putting God first in their life. Hear all of Fr. James’ Podcasts at https://www.spc-church.org/podcasts.

Miracles – First Hand | Larry Trotter

Published: October 5th, 2021
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In this impassioned plea, Larry Trotter gives witness to an astounding miracle. Larry was saved from certain death by the power of God.  Hear what 10 witnesses saw and heard.  Understand why Larry wants you to share your “Miracles – First Hand” like his Cape Buffalo Story. Get Larry Trotter’s book at https://www.seeingthelightthroughblackdeath.com/.

Cape Buffalo Survival Attack | Larry Trotter

Published: October 5th, 2021
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In this impassioned plea, Larry Trotter gives witness to an astounding miracle. Larry was saved from certain death by the power of God.  Hear what 10 witnesses saw and heard.  Understand why Larry wants you to share your “Miracles – First Hand” like his Cape Buffalo Story. To understand Larry’s life, get his book at https://www.seeingthelightthroughblackdeath.com/.

Paschal Lamb | Fr. David Neuschwander

Published: April 7th, 2021
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Fr. David Neuschwander, St. Joseph’s Pastor in Hayward, WI, will share a timeless, cross-centuries portrayal of a God who so loved us, that He sent His only Son, like a Paschal Lamb to die on a cross for us.  Fr. David’s unique style makes a listener reflect upon, and answer, great questions.  Can you?

For more Podcasts from Fr. David click https://anchoredinthelord.com/.

Chicago Homeless Gift Card Stories | Brother Jim Fogarty

Published: April 5th, 2021
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Brother Jim Fogarty, founder of Brothers and Sisters of Love, will share “Homeless Gift Card Stories.” Hear those who serve the homeless add even more Homeless Gift Card Stories. From soup kitchens, shelters, viaducts, tunnels and tent cities of Chicago, comes a “big thumbs up!”

Take up Your Cross | Rev. Britto Berchmans

Published: December 21st, 2020
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Rev. Britto M. Berchmans, Pastor of St. Paul of the Cross Parish, will share his practical thoughts on the everyday advantage of saints to us. Understand how a mystic is different, what the mystic undergoes, and the lessons learned for us. This homily was given on 12-14-20

the Memorial of Saint John of the Cross, priest and doctor of the Church on a Gospel from Luke 14:25-33 Take up your cross.

“Miracles – First Hand” | Raymond Richard

Published: March 31st, 2020
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Raymond Richard will share his Miracle, First Hand. Hear Ray’s amazing journey back to God. Witness God’s love shown today in his charity. “Let’s be clear, God supports my charity Brothers Standing Together,” says Ray. Ray and his mentors are each responsible for 5 youth as well as 5 returning citizens. Share Your “Miracles-First Hand” at Loquate.tv.  The call of the Biblical Promise that we “all come together” is universal to all mankind.

“Miracles – First Hand” | Nancy Law-Harris

Published: February 13th, 2020
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Nancy Law-Harris, a most humble Grandmother will share her faith journey. Her children say that when she calls Heaven, she has an 800 number.  Share your “Miracles-First Hand” at Loquate.tv.  The call of the Biblical Promise that we “all come together” is universal to all mankind.