Website Tips
Search Box. Search by religion, for example Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, etc. Only videos from that faith community will come up. A cleric from each faith community does faith edits for that faith community.
To email a video to a friend. Select the name of any Presenter found on the right and left click on the Presenter’s name. Now go to the very top of the screen and place your cursor anywhere in the URL and left click to highlight the URL. (The URL is the address found in the oval window at the very top of the page.) Now place your cursor on the highlighted URL and right click on “copy. ” (Hint “copy” appears as a choice in a drop down box. By scrolling down to that choice and right clicking, the URL will be copied.)
Open an email. Place the cursor in the body of the email. Right click on “paste.” The URL will appear and your cursor will be at the end of the URL. Press “enter” on your keyboard, and the URL will turn bright blue. That blue color means the URL has become an activated hyperlink. Send the email to a friend or email list to receive inspirational video clips and say “Press control and click on the hyperlink to see a video I thought you would like.”
For a Presenter to embed their hyperlink. Follow the procedure above to “Email a video to a friend” except put the hyperlink on your website or any other location of your choice. Get connected now. Start using the hyperlinks!
To View a Video. On the left, view our most recent presentations. Scroll down to someone you know. Hear their story. Click the arrow hyper link to start playing their video.
Sticky Information. When you hear an entire presentation you may find sticky information. All God needs is a little crack for light to abound. The information that is sticky to you is sticky because God gave you grace to attach yourself to eternal joy. See if you do not feel God’s abundance in the sticky information you hear, to be used now or in the future, but give a whole presentation your respect. Hearing a whole story is sacred.
Older Entries. Want to see more presentations ? On the left scroll down and left click “older entries” to pull up the next most recent batch of presentations.
What’s in a title? Even if you do not know a presenter, an appealing title may have hidden importance to you. Click the arrow to start the video and find out why. Be patient. Make yourself open to hear an entire story.
Faith enrichment. On the right, faith enrichment words are actually hyperlinks to all presenters having that attribute. For example, by clicking “respect” you will pull up all presenters who displayed the attribute of “respect” in their presentation.
Location. Toggle down on the right to find your location. Then within your location find a presenter you know. Hear that presenter’s faith story by left clicking on their name.
Work. Looking for goods or services? On the right, find a work listing within your location such as “dietician.” Click “dietician” to see all the dieticians who presented at your location. If their prices are competitive, choose them and build community. The economics should not drive the community, but the community should drive the economics.
Join a Group. Thinking of becoming more active in your location? On the right find a group that sounds appealing to you. Left click the name of the group, for example “Men’s Club” and all members of the Men’s Club who presented will appear. See if you know any presenters who also belong to the Men’s Club. View their video and get to know a side of them you never knew before, their work, their faith, and their values. Bring your faith to your community. Be involved. There is no more precious joy than feeling that you are a needed, valued part of a vibrant community.
Look at other locations. Their faith stories encourage us all. A life well lived with God at its center is timelessly inspiring to all. Take courage from these presentations on a family called man.
Why view a whole video? Stay with viewing an entire talk. Remember it is not just fast fun but lasting happiness that counts. When you hear a Presenter’s story you hear a lot about them in a short amount of time. A most elemental form of building community is hearing the Presenters entire story. These presentations are meant to create space around a preciousness of God at work in our lives. Fill that space and you will find eternal joy.
Would you like your faith to grow? Look at 5 presentations. You will see that for faith to grow, a whole life must give testimony. This means you too must “act in faith.” (Click the attribute “acting in faith” to be inspired.)
Prayer. On the right click the faith attribute “prayer.” Praying is a most elemental form of worship. Hear different forms of prayer by clicking the faith attribute “prayer.”All prayer is good. Prayer helps you to act in faith on your faith journey. Unless you act in faith, you cannot come to faith.
Have you missed a Seminar Series? Scroll down on the right to the very bottom “archives.” Click the date you missed to view the presentations on that date.
View every presentation in your location. Do you want to get to know people in your location? Are you a member of the clergy and want to know what your flock is getting out of your location? If you view every presentation from your location, you will see why Loquate.TV is way more locally relevant than common TV.
Local Library Website Tips. If you are not computer literate or internet savvy, you may also go to most local libraries to view videos you may have missed. Ask the Librarian to go to www.Loquate.TV. To access referrals, you will need an email address. Any person can obtain an email address usually thru librarian guidance. For example, ask the librarian to type in “Sign Up for Gmail” on the web browser. Follow the instructions. Then write down your Gmail user name and password, so you can access your email in the future too. Once you have an email address, you can access referrals. See Referrals above.