Find Ways to Say Yes | Shawn Messmer
Date of Talk: January 20th, 2014
Location: St. Marcelline-Schaumburg IL
Presenter(s): Shawn Messmer
Work Listing(s): Principal
Faith Enrichment: Affirmation, Coach, Compassion, Faith Values, Family Values, Free Will, Hope, Humility, Listening, Mentoring, Prayer, Reflection, Respect, Role Model, Sense Of Community, Servant Leader, Thoughtful, Trust, Unity
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Shawn Messmer, Principal at Maine South, will share a story from his Principal’s Advisory Council with students. Hear how a student landscape architect offered an intriguing idea. See how Shawn’s faith help’s Shawn find as many ways to say “Yes” as possible while directing the student in ways to overcome pitfalls. Hear how Shawn continually talks about right and wrong to build a culture that helps others recognize and support each others’ talents and gifts. Hear empowering community tips from this high school principal.