Calling on You! | Betsy Kass
Date of Talk: February 15th, 2012
Location: St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s): Betsy Kass
Affiliated Group(s): Apostolate of Women, Sacristy Helpers
Work Listing(s): Teacher
Faith Enrichment: Acceptance, Confidence, Knowledge Based Training, Mentoring, Obedience, Parent Tips, Respect, Saints, Sense Of Community, Unconditonal Love
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Betsy Kass, a high school Math teacher, will tell the story of a series of small steps by one student that resulted in increased confidence and better grades. Hear why she chose this profession. Hear how turning her math talent into tutoring, led to her own fulfillment. Hear tips that any parent with a struggling math student needs to know. Hear what Betsy loves about her Catholic faith.