Section 6

Optional Background Music for Section 6



The Coursework to Become a Smart® Ambassador of Community:

L107-2024-0506-Section 06-aa-Tour Page

It all begins with two pluralistic paths to come to your higher power. By this I mean “That which you value the most for the common good.” Never have I understood my own personal journey to God or my higher power. For God has loved me so, that he reveals himself to me.

I began with a Caring Presence that I knew existed outside of myself. I faced great adversity in my life. I chose faith. I doubled down on my faith beliefs. Chief among these was that I needed to change.  I had changed so much but still that was not enough.  So I prayed.  Prayer is essential to any faith for if you believe you pray.

Yes.  Each person has their own finger print.  And yes each person was created in God’s image and likeness.  Don’t you see this?

What are you inspired by?  Music? If so where does great music come from? Some dude got it just right with a pop song. While another dude Krzysztof Eugeniusz Penderecki (1933-2020) was a Polish composer and conductor. His best-known works include Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima.

So. You are unique. Your area of meaningful expansion for yourself, your interiorly preferred work, is inspired. It takes a special kind of environment to reinforce that kind of faith. That’s the Loquate Journey.

Loquate’s Smart® process offers Scientific Momentum Activating Righteous Transformation through Natural Law. It integrates religious beliefs about Spirit-centered community in unity for all mankind as Biblically or Scripturally possible, nothing more. By Spirit, we mean a caring presence that exists outside of our self. The words “That which you value the most for the common good,” Spirit, and God are used interchangeably in our resources.

The coursework is a 15 minute segment of 9 two hour zoom monthly meetings at a regular time but does not meet in the months of July, August, and December, altogether ½ of 1% of your time annually.

Some resource hyperlinks are specific to a religion and are marked Christian or Catholic. If that is not your religion, you may skip these. Most resource hyperlinks are universal and are marked Universal. Loquate’s vigor is unity for all — in, through and by Natural Law — not religious teaching.

The science states innate needs are satisfied by primary values. The innate needs of human kind may be the greatest discovery in Natural Law in this century. Like sailors eating limes to prevent scurvy, Smart® habits overcome the scurvy of the human spirit which is diminished motivation and well-being. Interfaith Smart® group members build community in every group of which they are a part, and individually tend toward peace, happiness, and joy. 

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Loquate’s way is A+ for mankind, all mankind, exclusive of none. We take turns praying for each other’s intentions. 

Interfaith Dialogue requires understanding, more than converting. In fact Loquate does not permit any person to try to convert another. Rather it is about listening. To listen well requires taking a stab at another’s feelings. So they feel heard and understood. GRUA helps. So does Facilitation. In fact our three session Zoom introduction offers 9 hours credit towards our Beginner certification requirements of 27 hours. Passing a test is required. However Money Back is guaranteed.

Facilitation is a required skill. You can only learn it fully by joining a Smart® small group and acting as facilitator for one year.  All participants do this and mentor each other to do it well. Without facilitation the group is not safe.  Safety matters. That is why you can always call me to insure good facilitation practices. My phone is 773-621-086.

On the other hand facilitation our way leads to life skills that bring increased happiness and wellbeing to all through your skills learned.

The Smart® small group follows the 3S protocol:

  • Share relevant resolution stories, not advice.
  • Self-change, and no one else
  • Satisfy innate needs, not ordinary conversation.

Each Smart® small group meeting has a scheduled focus person. The focus person drives the meeting. One focus person per meeting. Each Focus person selects ahead of time one of 4 agendas in unison with that year’s facilitator.

  1. Agenda 1–share a concern you have about your handling of some God thing at work.
  2. Agenda 2–declare preferred work as a gift in humility back to God.
  3. Agenda 3–Focus person selects one of 10 discussion questions.
  4. Agenda 4 – Focus person shares deepest beliefs. (Hint: The job of all other members is to adhere to Principles of Interfaith dialogue with the aid of the facilitator.)

Each Smart® small group meeting shares Miracles, First Hand. Miracles come from a Caring Presence outside of our selves. We each carry a spiritual gas tank on our back. When you share your Miracle, First Hand, you fill our spiritual gas tanks.

Overall feedback scores of all Smart® groups’ since inception in 2016 average score is 98%. That is an A+ on a scale of 0% to 100%. Scores for each individual member are high only if the unique Smart® process is followed in faithful attendance. Each member is part of the team in unity for all.

Community scientifically proven.

Makes where you work, a best place to work.

Makes where you live a best place to live.