Section 7

An Original Composition Just for You! Section 7

So musically everything goes better with the


Primacy of Prayer

L107-Section 07-Cultural Challenge 7-ac 

Build an interior life of prayer.


Spiritual Awakening:
Making time for interior prayer is easier when you experience that work is made fruitful to the degree of the interior life of prayer.

How do you know “Where Work Meets Faith” is universal?

Avoid either or thinking. A young man received two sweaters one blue and one red from his mother on his birthday. He got up the next day, came downstairs with the red sweater on and his mother said: “So. What’s wrong with the blue sweater?” So if one member pursues their faith path, that does not preclude another member pursuing the truth that we are all alike. Nor does it preclude a third member who pursues both their faith path and the truth that we are all alike.

Likewise to truly love one another we must be open to one another’s good common sense ability to come to God on our own.

Loquate is Officially Recommended by Hierarchy of the Catholic Church since 1987.

It is interesting that the Catholic Church would recommend a universal process for the good of mankind. That is until you realize that the Catholic Church considers itself, as do I, an expert on humanity.

Peace on earth is indeed a rare commodity. Such peace must be universal. God did not have in mind that we kill each other in order to have peace. Neither does the charity whose proper name is, nor the description of its work as Loquate. For Loquate is community. Community is for all mankind what we are missing today.

Loquate science exploits that opportunity without duplicity of ethnocentrism, believing one’s way is best for everyone. Rather Loquate is universal good for all mankind.

For over 50 years, Loquate has been building a sense of community within organizations. The Catholic Church applauds such work as long as Christ is at the center. Today’s science understands the innate needs of all mankind trumps serving only a selective few or only serving one’s own religion. Two pluralistic paths to God occur “Where Work Meets Faith.” One is the faith path the other is truth we are all alike. To thwart any man’s innate needs is perhaps the greatest sin of our times.

Christian charity is compassion for one’s fellow man regardless of Creed or beliefs. For to do otherwise is unchristian. So Loquate never gets into differences of belief. Loquate focuses on serving one another in its Smart® groups that bring peace on earth through primary values experientially satisfying innate needs of ourself and all those around us.

Loquate is universal.