Divine Guidance | Raymond Pusczan
Date of Talk: February 22nd, 2013
Location: St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s): Raymond Pusczan
Affiliated Group(s): Knights of Columbus
Work Listing(s): Structural Engineer
Faith Enrichment: Acting In Faith, Catholic Values, Cross, Drawn by the Holy Spirit, Faith Blessings, Forgiveness, Humility, Knowledge Based Training, Networking, Non Cooperation Non Violence, Obedience, Peace, Prayer, Providential, Respect, Sense Of Community, Suffering, Unconditional Love
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Raymond Pusczan, structural engineer and veteran of 45 years in engineering projects, now retired, will tell us a real life story of workplace intimidation and his response as a Catholic. Hear this unique story of God at work in his heart and its effective outcome. Hear God’s blessings of faith throughout his career in a field of high turnover and never missing a paycheck. Hear wisdom tips: staying current in an ever changing field, working the hours you want vs. the hours needed to meet a deadline, and taking advantage of the sacraments especially mass.