Posts Tagged ‘Unconditional Love’

Faith, Hope, and Clarity | Loretta Mulcrone

Date of Talk:  October 19th, 2017
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Affiliated Group(s):   Apostolate of Women
Work Listing(s):   Homemaker
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Loretta Mulcrone, mom, will share her faith story of raising her family.  Faced with special needs of 2 of her 4 children, hear how she did it. Hear tips, oiled by uncommon hardship, that any parent can use.  Witness the peace she feels today and the source of her joy.

One Brief Christmas Moment | Deacon Tom Lambert

Date of Talk:  May 25th, 2017
Location:   Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Deacon Tom Lambert
Work Listing(s):   Deacon
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Deacon Tom Lambert, of Mental Illness Ministries, will share a Christmas story of working with a homeless woman who sought help. Hear the unusual outcome and surprise ending. This lifelong expert on mental illness, not by choice but by circumstance, will share tips on the most healing things we can do when faced with a loved one with mental illness. A deacon of the Catholic Church, Tom is best qualified to tell us how our work meets our faith when dealing with mental illness.

And Grace Happens | Brother Jim Fogarty

Date of Talk:  January 25th, 2017
Location:   Brothers and Sisters Of Love - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Brother Jim Fogarty
Work Listing(s):   Executive Director
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Brother Jim Fogarty, of Brothers and Sisters of Love, will share his story of 30 years walking the streets of Chicago to knock on the gates of heaven. When the gates open, he goes to areas of violence ministering to victims of violence in the poorest areas of Chicago. Passionate follower of Christ, who also had a walking ministry, Bother Jim will share his story about his Catholic Ministry working with street gangs, sometimes even trading gang bullets for his brand of gang peace by example of love.

Unceasing Connection

Date of Talk:  May 14th, 2016
Location:   Queen of All Saints - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Richard Wenzl
Affiliated Group(s):   Respect Life, Divine Mercy
Work Listing(s):   President
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Rich Wenzl, Founder of Wenzl Co. displays, will share an experience of being asked to be a volunteer to raise funds. Hear his amazing story of being pressed into service, encouraged by a close friend, and his secrets to success with volunteers. Learn what makes Rich tick: placing God first in his life, his early formation, and the importance of the sacraments. Journey with Rich, Chicagoland’s Johnny Appleseed of Divine Mercy!

Finding Meaning in Work | Susaan Culjak

Date of Talk:  October 10th, 2015
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Susaan Culjak
Work Listing(s):  
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , ,

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Susaan Culjak, Theologian, Teacher, Psychologist and Accountant, will share a story of finding and living out preferred work. Hear how her deep interior prayer life helped her to learn to operate an area of meaningful expansion for herself. Hear how she credits her prayer life as essential in hearing God in her work preferences. While overcoming her struggles, her prayer life informs actions she takes, drawing her ever closer to God’s work for her, work that only she can do.