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Virginia Halas McCaskey, a Mother, Grandmother, and Great Grandmother, will share her faith journey. Learning from her paternal grandmother she discovered God’s “Protective Space.” Hear of other pillars in her life who by example, also created sacred space for her. Hear of her greatest joy today of her 11 children who now take care of her.
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Brother Jim Fogarty, of Brothers and Sisters of Love, will share his story of 30 years walking the streets of Chicago to knock on the gates of heaven. When the gates open, he goes to areas of violence ministering to victims of violence in the poorest areas of Chicago. Passionate follower of Christ, who also had a walking ministry, Bother Jim will share his story about his Catholic Ministry working with street gangs, sometimes even trading gang bullets for his brand of gang peace by example of love.
Hear Jeff Liautaud reconciling himself to the imminent death of his brother, Jim, by nurturing and caring for Jim. Hear the power of the Divine Mercy and the providential role of others in this true story.
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Fr. Piotr Gnoinski, Associate Pastor at St. Paul of the Cross parish, will share a real life pilgrimage story of an individual leaving an old self behind and becoming a new person. Hear how God was in charge of this pilgrimage. See the humility Fr. Piotr shared with a fellow pilgrim used by God to make a difficult situation better. Hear how Fr. Piotr makes himself open to his pilgrimages.
Roberta H. Clarke Jenero, a Registered Dietician, will share an area of meaningful expansion for herself as her work. Declaring it for God meant turning it over to God as God’s very own. Understand in her unfolding story, how more and more extreme value from God for the common good occurs thru Declaration.
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