Posts Tagged ‘Providential’

Frontline – Answering the Call | Dawn Behnke

Date of Talk:  October 26th, 2017
Location:   Iworship Center
Presenter(s):   Dawn Behnke, Dawn Behnke
Work Listing(s):   President
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Dawn Behnke, President of Illinois Federation for Right to Life, will share how she became an Illinois State lobbyist. Dawn lives in Springfield. Hear a real life story from her of lobbying in faith. Dawn will also share 3 practical pro life tips for laity to make a difference to legislators.

Video 9 Deacon Lou Riccio | Imitation of Christ

Date of Talk:  June 21st, 2017
Location:   St Theresa - Palatine IL
Presenter(s):   Deacon Lou Riccio
Work Listing(s):   Deacon
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Louis A. Riccio, Charismatic Renewal Deacon, a receiver of gifts from the Holy Spirit, will share his conversion story from married dad to National Charismatic Renewal Representative from the Archdiocese of Chicago. Understand the highlights of his 42 year journey of charismatic renewal as part of the Catholic Church. Hear his faith journey centered on his most powerful conversion experience.

Declaration of Work to God | Susan Davis

Date of Talk:  March 29th, 2017
Location:   St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s):   Susan Davis
Work Listing(s):   Commercial Loan Officer
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , ,

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Susan Davis, a Senior Vice President in commercial lending at a major national financial institution, will share a story of declaration.  Hear Susan’s struggle, while doing work she preferred, yet seemingly being left behind.  Hear this strong woman double down at her former employer before moving to her new employer.  She credits Declaration in her Work Meets Faith small group, humbly offering her gift in banking back to God. Hear how quickly God opened doors, and how her prayers were answered.

And Grace Happens | Brother Jim Fogarty

Date of Talk:  January 25th, 2017
Location:   Brothers and Sisters Of Love - Chicago IL
Presenter(s):   Brother Jim Fogarty
Work Listing(s):   Executive Director
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Brother Jim Fogarty, of Brothers and Sisters of Love, will share his story of 30 years walking the streets of Chicago to knock on the gates of heaven. When the gates open, he goes to areas of violence ministering to victims of violence in the poorest areas of Chicago. Passionate follower of Christ, who also had a walking ministry, Bother Jim will share his story about his Catholic Ministry working with street gangs, sometimes even trading gang bullets for his brand of gang peace by example of love.

Mother Mary, Help Me. | Maria and Richard Portis.

Date of Talk:  May 7th, 2015
Location:   St. Norbert - Northbrook IL
Presenter(s):   Richard Portis
Affiliated Group(s):   Bible Study, Man to Man
Work Listing(s):   Trader
Faith Enrichment:  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Maria and Richard Portis, parents, will together share a story of travel to Rome for the sainthood of Pope John Paul II.  What started out as a good plan unraveled before their eyes with three small children.  Hear the good outcome of a cross accepted and a consolation received.  Hear tips on raising children that we all can use.