Religious freedom | Michele Bungum
Date of Talk: July 11th, 2013
Location: St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s): Michele Bungum
Affiliated Group(s): Catechist, Ministers of Care
Work Listing(s): Evangelist
Faith Enrichment: Called, Child Core Values, Drawn by God, Eucharist, Faith Values, Free Will, How To Get A Story, Knowledge Based Training, Passion for God, Prayer, Providential, Relationships, Religious Freedom, Respect, Sense Of Community, Unconditional Love
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Michele Bungum, Evangelist,in this episode will paint a picture of a day in her life with two stories. In this episode, hear a tender union form around Holy Communion. Feel the power of the Eucharist in her voice and demeanor as she explains a choice to be what you eat. Hear the second story which demonstrates true religious freedom thru freedom of choice.