God in My Heart! | Lenora Teresi
Date of Talk: January 18th, 2014
Location: St. Paul of the Cross - Park Ridge IL
Presenter(s): Lenora Teresi
Affiliated Group(s): Catechist
Work Listing(s): Legal Assistant
Faith Enrichment: Acceptance, Acting In Faith, Called, Compassion, Cross, Devotion, Faith First, Faith Values, Family Values, Forgiveness, Listening, Mentoring, Parent Tips, Passion for God, Peer Pressure, Relationships, Respect, Servant Leader, Trust, Unconditional Love
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Lenora Teresi, Catechist Volunteer, and Legal Assistant: Foreclosure Defense and Bankruptcy, will share a teaching experience as a volunteer catechist teaching CCD, a religious education program. Hear about a student who began with an “attitude” and turned the “attitude” for Christ. Grasp the effects on a class that one student can make and the deep sense of humility Lenora felt. See faith integration as Lenora lives out at work the principles she teaches in class. Hear tips we all can use in dealing with 8th graders. Understand why she loves teaching CCD.